President - Carl Putman


Carl Putman founded Train To Win Inc. in early 2016. As a lifelong resident of Brevard County and having been involved with athletics in the area since his youth, he saw the need and opportunity for numerous student-athletes who had the desire and motivation to excel and become leaders but did not have the kind of expert level coaching and mentorship needed to make the leap. Thus Train To Win Inc. was founded to help deliver those resources and provide financial assistance for those future leaders. 

Carl attended and played basketball locally at West Shore High School, and then went on to become the first player in program history to play collegiate basketball after walking on with Flagler College's Mens Basketball team. He graduated from Flagler College with a B.A. in Sport Management in 2008. 

Since then he has been active in the local community, initially in coaching with the basketball programs at Brevard Community College and West Shore High School. In 2011, Carl became the Program Director for Parisi Speed School XPC. Over 6 years he helped to grow the Parisi XPC program into a successful training gym that has serviced thousands of local athletes and seen many go on to collegiate athletics and extraordinary successes. 

In addition, Carl has worked as the Lead Physical Training instructor for the Law Enforcement and Corrections Academies at Eastern Florida State College's Public Safety Institute, helping to institute a new standard of physical fitness for the program. He is also a published contributor on sites such as STACK and Breaking Muscle, among others. 

Carl is currently a collegiate strength and conditioning coach in Melbourne and completing a graduate degree in Organizational Leadership. He currently resides in Palm Bay, FL and can be contacted at, or on social media via @coachcarlp or @traintowininc 

Vice President - Michael Cadore

Michael A. Cadore Sr. has proudly served his community for more than three decades through education, public safety, civic engagement, and mentoring. Currently, he is an Associate Dean and adjunct instructor at Eastern Florida State College, as well as a councilman on the Rockledge City Council.


Mr. Cadore’s background in professional football helped instill the value of teamwork, dedication, and focus. His journey began at Eastern Kentucky University, where Mr. Cadore received national recognition as a record-setting kick returner. After college, Mr. Cadore continued his football career in the National Football League when he was drafted by the New Orleans Saints. He finished his professional football career in Montreal Canada. For his athletic excellence, Mr. Cadore was inducted into the 2014 Space Coast Sports Hall of Fame and the 2020 Eastern Kentucky University Athletics Hall of Fame.


Seeking a way to give back to the community, Mr. Cadore became a law enforcement officer, where he served the City of Rockledge until his retirement in 2019. As founder and President of Magnus Solutions Incorporated, he continues to support the community through consulting, mentoring, life skills coaching, community service opportunities, workshops on leadership and business, and inspirational messaging.


In his continual quest for self-improvement, Mr. Cadore has earned a Doctor of Education degree from Capella University, a master’s degree in Management and Leadership from Webster University, and a Bachelor of Science degree in Corrections and Administration of Justice from Eastern Kentucky University. His community efforts led to him receiving the distinguished alumni award for 2021 from Eastern Florida State College.


Throughout all his endeavors, Mr. Cadore prioritizes faith and family. He has been happily married to his high school sweetheart, Cornelia Cadore, for 30 years, and they have three children. He strives to live by the motto “If you don’t serve your community now, don’t expect your community to serve you later.”

Treasurer - Vivian Helwig

Secretary - Brittany Helwig